Sincere condolences E II R

My heartfelt condolences go out to the maritime nation of Great Britain on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II was the only monarch of Great Britain in my life so far. She was part of my English lessons as she was during my many school exchange visits to England in the 70s.

My professional, especially maritime contacts to Great Britain were under her regency.

She shaped an era.

Elizabeth II was not endowed with the fullness of power like her 16th century predecessor who set out to make England the number one maritime power. Elizabeth II was a constitutional monarch – a result of the Glorious Revolution of 1642 to 1649, in which the enforcement of the Bill of Rights laid the foundation for Britain’s parliamentary system, also known as Westminster democracy, which still exists.

In respect- and honourful memory

Christoph Schließmann

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