Superyachtforum CHAT: Yachting and Tourism after Lockdown 2020

In recent weeks we have been discussing in the FORUM “Think-Revolution” about backgrounds, insights, learning curves and possible innovations that this corona crisis may bring.

I want to invite you to this CHAT and discuss especially the destiny of Yachting and Tourism in the near future after locking up again. We all hope very much that the sea will not only belong to the seagulls in 2020, as in the beautiful picture…

In the forum, Austrian experts from the tourism industry outlined clearly changed scenarios for the near future. The near summer tourism will certainly help hotels to fill their bed capacities, but many of the usual offers, such as wellness landscapes or, especially in good hotels, the large buffets and social facilities will initially be a thing of the past. One will have to be prepared for packaged or served food and large distances. Living and sleeping year, but full board in the usual form rather no.

Winter tourism will focus on outdoor sports and living, party and après-ski will be a thing of the past for the time being.

When I introduce our yacht owner clients to the field, a quite interesting split can be seen for planned new dispositions: the rather older ones with often sold companies and largely secured asset situations stick to their plans, while the generation between 40 and 55 years old postpones, downsizes or puts the project on ice for the time being and invests available assets in the company rather than in a luxury good.

I personally see a trend towards charter, because this is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy nature and more individually and at a distance and to be financially flexible and calculable on the way.

On the international nautical calendar Cannes has just announced and confirmed the Yachting Festival, the first show in the autumn and the leading in-water event in Europe, to be held from 8 to 13 September 2020, in Cannes. How exactly, has not yet been announced. I’m curious because this vestibule thrives on human contact, meet and greet.

Your opinion is welcome:

1. How will Corona change yachting in the near future? Which scenarios will arise? What remains, what will no longer be and where will innovative new opportunities open up?

2. If you are an owner: What changes in use are you facing or have you encountered? If you are a charterer, how will Corona influence your dispositions?

3. Tourism in general: how will “holidays” change sustainably in the future? Which disruptions will take place in current business models and which innovation topics will determine the future?

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Latest Message: 4 years, 9 months ago

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