Behavior and Communication in Business: Kindness is Intelligence

It is our experience that the way we deal with each other in business life, between parties, and above all with ourselves as service providers, has increased in rudeness, unfairness and cruelty in recent years. There are people you can never please. Credit and joy decrease. Problems are often no longer discussed constructively and solutions are sought in a spirit of open and smart partnership; instead, people dish it out, stomp it and look for someone to blame (but not themselves). Basic decency fails. Another new scam seems to be the lack of cooperation and non-communication until disappearing through the back door, without payment.

This video is worth watching:

I often ask myself, how can bad experiences be avoided, and, why does it happen again and again that one meets such people who rob one of one’s energy, do one no good?

I think that good and bad experiences cannot be avoided, everything in life deserves a chance, otherwise you don’t know whether it was good or bad for you. Each mandate or business is a journey having to show how it develops. I still love what I do. But the thing I have learned is to have the courage to get out immediately when it doesn’t fit.

Do not jeopardize your beliefs! Never let the noise of others sway your own conviction!

But: Nothing is worthwhile unless you take the risk to try it…

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